Outdoor Gear Trusted for Adventure - Johnson Outdoors
Our products are built on consumer insights and emerging technologies. But the real value is knowing how to combine the two and make items that are applicable for today, tomorrow, as well as next year's big adventure -- and that's where Johnson Outdoors leads the pack.
Our Locations - Johnson Outdoors
Johnson Outdoors Canada Inc. 4180 Harvester Road Burlington, Ontario Canada L7L 6B6 Tel: 905-634-0023 Fax: 905-634-0261 . WATERCRAFT Johnson Outdoors Watercraft. Old Town Canoe ®, Ocean Kayak™, Carlisle Paddles™ 125 Gilman Falls Ave, Bldg B Old Town, ME 04468 Tel: 207-827-5514 Tel: 800-343-1555 Fax: 207-827-3647. Johnson Outdoors Canada ...
Johnson Outdoors Jobs & Careers - We're Hiring!
Our passion for the great outdoors creates a positive impact on the lives of more people and more communities for generations to come.
About Our Company - Johnson Outdoors
Johnson Outdoors is a family of core brands preferred by consumers for creating the best possible outdoor experiences. Through innovative, top-quality products, we earn industry awards, customer loyalty, and above all, consumer trust.
Our Family of Brands - Johnson Outdoors
The brands that make up the Johnson Outdoors family include well-established names in the outdoor industry. We live up to that history by providing top-quality, innovative products that inspire people to experience the awe of the great outdoors every day.
Shareholder & Investor Snapshot - Johnson Outdoors
Feb 3, 2025 · Johnson Outdoors Inc. has a broad and diverse business portfolio of brands in the outdoor recreation marketplace. We benchmark our shareholder return performance against a peer group of larger and smaller publicly traded competitors in the outdoor recreation and sporting goods markets.
Minn Kota Trolling Motors, Shallow Water Anchors ... - Johnson …
We build the toughest, most innovative trolling motors, the fastest, quietest, deepest-reaching shallow water anchors, and the most advanced battery chargers ever made to keep you on the fish.
Meet Our Board of Directors - Johnson Outdoors
Helen P. Johnson-Leipold, Johnson Outdoors chairman and CEO, leads with skills in strategic planning, global operations, strategic marketing and branding, drawing on deep knowledge of the company and its industry. She served as a marketing executive with S.C. Johnson and Foote, Cone & Belding.
Our History - Johnson Outdoors
Since our founding in 1970, Johnson Outdoors has encouraged a sense of awe for the great outdoors — and inspired preservation of our shared wild spaces. We consider it our responsibility to leave the world a better place and to accelerate our environmental efforts.
Our Outdoor Gear Brands - Johnson Outdoors
Today, the Johnson Outdoors family continues to build Sam’s legacy for quality, innovation, and stewardship across four popular aspects of outdoor recreation. FISHING Trolling motors, fishfinders, shallow water anchors and accessories for better days on the water.