As Germany prepares to vote on 23 February, the far-right AfD party is causing alarm. Polls place them in second position, behind only the centre-right CDU and ahead of the centre-left SPD. In ...
On the World Day of Social Justice, a high-level global union delegation is holding a two-day meeting with the leadership of ...
Solidarity statement of the ITUC Women's Committee denouncing the devastating impact of the Trump Administration's dismantling of federal programmes. The rollback of funding will undermine the ...
Letter to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan: Urgent Call for the Release of Detained Labour Activists in Azerbaijan ...
Trade union leaders from G20 countries and beyond have launched their engagement with this year's G20 Presidency. The event included the South African Minister of Labour, who emphasised the importance ...
In 2023, the SUNTRACS union led a series of protests in Panama against a government-backed mining contract. The concession was eventually revoked in court. Since then, SUNTRACS and its leaders have ...
Workers around the world engage in platform work in various forms, either remotely or on location. Their work can include ride-hailing and delivery on streets, domestic work in homes, care work in ...
La Confédération syndicale internationale (CSI), ainsi que l'Internationale des services publics (ISP) accueillent ...
La Confederación Sindical Internacional (CSI), conjuntamente con la Internacional de Servicios Públicos (ISP), acoge con satisfacción el inicio de las negociaciones sobre una Convención Marco de Coope ...
Alors que l'Allemagne s'apprête à voter le 23 février prochain, le parti d'extrême droite AfD inquiète. Les sondages le ...
Mientras Alemania se prepara para votar el próximo 23 de febrero, el partido de extrema derecha AfD suscita preocupación. Las encuestas lo sitúan en segundo lugar, por detrás de los conservadores y po ...
Des dirigeants syndicaux des pays du G20 et d'autres pays ont engagé une collaboration avec la présidence du G20 de cette année. La ministre sud-africaine du Travail a participé à l'événement, en soul ...