Traffic continues to scoot by along eastbound K-10 near Kill Creek Rd. in De Soto after a collision caused a grass fire.
At least two vehicles were struck by bullets about 1:45 a.m. Friday on I-96, causing temporary highway closures.
Virginia State Police have apprehended a 21-year-old who stole a U-Haul truck, evaded police on the interstate for over 10 ...
Travelers on eastbound Interstate 90 near Liberty Lake should expect delays Monday night as contractor crews work to repair ...
The incident was reported Friday at 7:28 p.m., and the latest update about this incident was released on Friday at 7:43 p.m.
After a deadly rollover crash on eastbound I-80 Wednesday night, a family is looking for their dogs that went missing from the scene.
The closures of the Interstate 4 ramps at State Road 559 in Polk County will happen from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. on Monday and ...
: Kansas Highway Patrol now say 71 vehicles were involved, eight died. I70 reopened to all traffic at 7:30 p.m. Saturday ...
Flooding on the Causeway across Mobile Bay as resulted in the closure of several ramps. The on-ramp to eastbound Interstate ...
Some lanes of Commonwealth Avenue in Quezon City were closed temporarily on Sunday morning to give way to work on the Metro ...
MULLAN, Idaho - Traffic came to a stop on eastbound I-90 on Lookout Pass Saturday morning. According to the Idaho ...
According to the Arizona Department of Transportation, some of the US 60 will be shut down overnight due to ongoing construction projects this weekend.